Saturday, 3 September 2011

Hey, Good morning. Okay, this is the first time I didn't sleep for A DAY. yesterday I went to Tuaran for the wedding thingy and yeah, I feel awkward. No ones Dancing when the music on, no ones Hit the floor. Urgh~ yesterday was supposed to be good but I, me, myself. SPOILED 'em. my stomach suddenly get HURT. :(
And now, I haven't finish up my homework yet. SO STRESS! feels like wanna cry. :'( there's still gotta have so much to do. HELL NOOOOOOOOO!! IM IN HELL :((

"Love Me when I least deserve it because that is when i really NEED it"


Okay, so someone asked me why do I love to play guitar? :)

 Well, mm yeah. with guitar, I can express any mood or what I feel inside. such an intricate mesmerizing complex instrument, with so many ways to utilize a guitar, and so many vast styles and genres of music can be played on guitar and make it come to life :)

each individual crafted guitar has different qualities, and can have certain installations to encompass unique quality, and characteristics. ranging from body, to pickups, amount of strings, tones etc. the types of pedals that you purchase to use with a guitar can result in differentiating and experimental effects as well



Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Im that type of Girl who can be so hurt but still can look at you and smile :)

- when Im with you, open a story to talk about
- when you see Im crying while laughing, look at me and say "you're crazy"
- when you see Im staring at someone, don't block me. I might just punch you.
- when you see my tears suddenly fall down. Don't ask. Just stay till I say "Im alright"
- When I call you and talk about weird thing, DON'T ASK. I might just turn off the phone.
- When you see Im staring at you. Just shut up and SMILE.
- When you see Im alone, Don't go near me. I might gonna hate you.
- When you see Im mad, JUST SHUT THE HELL UP.
- When I suddenly "Hey, I miss you" come, give me a hug.
- When I text you, that means I really miss you. :)

When Im with you, STAY.

Monday, 22 August 2011

"Scars are like memories, and tattoos. When you fall, when your heart breaks, and when your best friend turns her back on you, it leaves a scar that can hurt every-time you think about it. It’s a memory that is stuck in your head. It’s in the past, but it comes back and bites. It’s a tattoo because it’s a memory that hurts, but doesn’t disappear. It never does. When you see it so vividly, you sometimes regret what led to the scar that is a memory that leaves an imprint in your life’s history"
As you can see here, they're my mommy and my brother A.K.A annoying. 

I miss them Both, my brother, even sometimes he made me going insane and annoys me but at least there's still someone who I can beat and sworn to. I'ma kind of evil too. Okay, screw me. But you know we are too far away, :( there's nobody at home when I reach home. watch TV alone, laughing alone, talk with nobody. HELL yeah. I don't wish for him to read this, don't tell him. I don't want him to know. xP he'll never understand my feeling but instead, ahh~ "GHOST, EAT ME ". Okay, when talking about my mommy, she's been so busy. its okay I understand :) but if only she knows that I miss her too.. But, I guess, she knew that. cause I know that she miss me too :')

whatdahellmaface! :D 
aww, we look sweet together :) I look damn pale that day. It was a cold day and I can't stand. But Fanny act like she's tryin to pretend that she's actually feel comfortable with that shirt (that's mine) but instead she's not. BAHAHAHA! :) my mommy, she's getting skiny. but still look awesomeee :) emm is that my Brother? WHATEVER.

I love my past. I love my present. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had, and I’m not sad because I have it no longer.

The Twilight Saga

Love lesson: Love takes sacrifice and a whole load of effort! Just because you're head-over-heels for someone (like Edward and Bella), you still need to work at it. There are going to be times when you have to make difficult decisions that will test your relationship.

Case study: Edward didnt want to change Bella but knew he had to

"It's not right! I don't want you to have to make sacrifices for me. I want to give you things, not take things away from you. I don't want to steal your future.."
Twenties Girl By Sophie Kinsella 

Firs off, its not a series! Sophie's ventured into stand-alone novels and we're totally baking her on it! The main character isn't too far off her famous Shopaholics series-funny, witty and ever son endearing. Which is probably why, this book as her series is a page-turner.

Love life love


How do you deal with the breakup part?
- well, Okay. seriously. I would be really depressed after the breakup. I would literally stay in bed for a week straight. Just sleep and pretend it's not happening. I've done crazy thing. oh jyeah :)

Do you expect Guys to return same kind of romantic gestures?
- I don't really expect the great lengths; I just expect them to keep up with the details and the small things. I can get by on a text message-a lot of girls can. That's all we want is someone to text us in the morning and say "Hi baby! Hope you have a Nice day!" and maybe calls us at night? Super-simple! It doesn't take yachts, it doesn't take a big flashy things. It takes just knowing that they're there and they care. 

Do you have a type of Guy you go for?
- Umm, Im not that interested in good looks. If it happens, perfect. But really, good looks will fade for me. I fall in love with nerdier Guys. (Mine is not so nerd. i think) I like the funny guys. I like the underdog. :P A guy who just knows how to have a fantastic conversation and who can expand my perspective and can teach me things. :)

- I didn't want one guy to break up with me. So I fake being late [ with my period] It was so wrong! But you want them be emotional about you, so Okay, you're like "I'm Late!" this was just bring me so immature. every guy will say that I'm crazy, but girls get so dramatic when they try to hang on to something that"s fading. I put myself through extreme torture when it comes to love-but I get great songs out of it.

So what would be your ideal relationship?
- ehemm, just the thought of me that I'll find my crazy kind of copilot one day. I love living life to the absolute fullest! and hopefully I can find somebody who wants to live that life completely too. Like someone who wants to see the pyramids and climb inside the tombs. I've lived such a great, fantastic life already. I guess. :) but there's still so much more.. 

"love me when i least deserve it, because that is when i really need it"

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Chocolate. I never miss to buy some every time I go for a shoppa2 or anywhere except in Toilet. It has it own chocolate that I shouldn't eat. xD okay. cut-cut-cut. 

OHMYGUCCI! This is soooo yummmyy!! you know why I love 'em? :) Okay first, the interesting facts about chocolate is that It could help us to cure a broken heart. Eating chocolate can also benefit your heart, lower your blood pressure and improve your memory. Don't chuu know thattt ?  :D 


I think of you every second of everyday. You are my favorite subject to talk about . When you hug me, I never wanna let go. When you hold my arms, I feel so calm. Beside you, feels like I don't wanna open my eyes. Almost all of my dreams have you in them and I get so excited when I see you :)

and the truth,
I'm completely in love with you :)

with love, Miss Chan x)

Bruno Mars
Im so over him babyyyy :D

Saturday, 20 August 2011

The simplest of things.

Now I find happiness in the simplest of things. Happiness. I hadn't known the meaning of it until very recently. what happened in the past belongs to the past. Only I can change my future. So, hopefully, it'll be what I've always wanted it to be. It's my life. It's my choice. Life has taught me many thingg. Now finally, I can make my own decisions. Letting other people make decisions on my behalf has made my life a complete mess. when I was little and my parents took charge of my life and now Im the one still struggling to stand on my feet. Im still tryna straighten up the mess my parents made. But at least now I get to make my own choices. Now my life is about me. Its not about pleasing others. Its not about making things easy for others. Its not about others. Not anymore. Mm, yeahh. and now It's all about me! :)

Happy Life

Well, mm yeah. I'm getting so much better. since I have him in my head. oh yeah. :) Lemme tell ya. he's a bit of annoying when he tell me that he miss me but. I love it when he say that he really lovesss me. (;

I've been dated with my own classmate.
Shit, Im so over him. :D
knowing that he give me the hopes to be my Last, feels like im not going down since Im up here in heaven. HEHE. 

Dear God, bless us for our long distance relationship :)

Okay, talking about friends, I do have them in my mind. always. even sometimes they annoy me. Im not going to hate them. I'll screw them! HAHA. joking :) well, here. actually. I do love them and its soo uncountable. :) Like my best friend, alvianna, grace, who always there when I needed them, I have their shoulders when I feel like wanna cry. I even hit them when I mad at someone. okay, shoot me. x) and yes, They are damn cute when they mad at me :) expecially Alvianna. how i misss her! :O 

They are the part of my life.


Okay, I'm starting a new one. I forgot my ID's and so here I am. :)